
Cover Me, I’m Going In

The book is done. Next step is to get a proofreader and/or editor right? Nope! Not for Athena! Almost as soon as I get an idea for a story the image for the cover start to pop in my head. Although writing is black and white the stories are deeply visual. It's impossible for me… Continue reading Cover Me, I’m Going In


Word Count Joy

I've been closing in on the final chapters of my novel. Sticking to a rigorous writing and editing schedule. My kids have gotten used to seeing my face illuminated by the glow of my laptop screen. Behind the writing though, there's been a constant agonizing over the story and if people will enjoy it--connect with… Continue reading Word Count Joy


Urban Literature // Writing in the Key of Black

As much as I would like to say that my journey as a bookworm started with Dr. Seuss and progressed steadily to Shakespeare, it did not. The truth is, I started reading off reading sugary pre-teen books like The Babysitters Club, Full House (Michelle and Stephanie stories only), and Goosebumps books by the truckload. But… Continue reading Urban Literature // Writing in the Key of Black


Food Writer = Writing While Eating Food

Today it was a cheddar cheese stick and vanilla wafers. Yesterday it was yogurt and granola (heavy on the granola). Other days, I'm shoving heinous amounts of popcorn into my mouth while blessing the world with my gift of storytelling. I'm a Food Writer. It wasn't until recently that I noticed just how much I… Continue reading Food Writer = Writing While Eating Food


Indie Authoring in A Big Pub World

Last week, after I finished up one of the final chapters for my book, I decided to dive back into some research on the topic of whether to pursue independent or traditional publishing. For a half hour I sifted through article after article that seemed determined to convince aspiring authors that success, income, and a… Continue reading Indie Authoring in A Big Pub World


If You Write It, Will They Come?: Sex Scenes

So, boom. I was sitting there writing, making progress with my book. I have my novel open in one tab, next to my thesaurus.com tab, next to my plot outline tab, next to my target shopping cart full of things I'll never buy. Long story short-- it's flowing.  Natural habitat and such. My characters are… Continue reading If You Write It, Will They Come?: Sex Scenes


How to Write Your Book at Work

I have a job. A full time one. An in-a-seat-by-9AM one. But, I also have this nagging passion for writing fiction. Sometimes, I develop storylines and characters that I become so attached to that I have a hard time letting them go for an eight hour work day (ten, including commuting). Because of this, I… Continue reading How to Write Your Book at Work


Writer’s Be Like: The Dangers of Research

Let me start by saying...I'm really disappointed in you guys. You let me fall off the face of the earth and no one even checked in to see if I was okay! How DARE you? But I forgive quickly, so let's move on. Yes, I've been gone from this platform for *gasp* two years. I… Continue reading Writer’s Be Like: The Dangers of Research